Exceptional integrated communities that enable meaningful connection, contribution and growth for adults with I/DD

Who We Are
LightHouse Living Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation committed to creating vibrant, safe, faith-based communities that enrich the lives of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities allowing them to live independently with appropriate support.
The Founding Story

In 2001, our lives took an unexpected turn when our third daughter was
born with cerebral palsy. We didn’t know at the time how this diagnosis would
affect her life—or ours. Over the past 22 years, our family has traveled a different
path than others, and although it hasn’t always been easy, it has been filled with
many blessings along the way. Having a child with intellectual and developmental
disabilities introduced us to an entire population of very special people. Through
our faith, we believe that every individual has a unique purpose in God’s plan. As
our children grew up and aged out of the school system, we began to think about
how we could help them achieve their life goals. One of these goals was being
able to live independently but in community with their friends. So started our
journey to learn about other communities for adults with IDD that were being
built around the country. We founded Lighthouse Living Foundation for the
purpose of fulfilling that dream and creating a new housing opportunity here in
Northern Nevada.